Procès-verbal d’un hommage rendu par le sire d’Albret au vicomte de Bearn: Electronic Edition

Creation of machine readable version: Kelly Dunn
Conversion to TEI-conformant markup and verb tagging: Kelly Dunn

Source: Tamizey de Larroque, Philippe. Procès-verbal d’un hommage rendu par le sire d’Albret au vicomte de Bearn. Archives historiques du département de la Gironde 2 (1860): 303-305.

  • Publication consists of one text.

  • No particular editorial problems.

    Explanation of editorial principles

  • Verbs are in red, auxiliaries and causatives in orange. Passing the cursor over a verb will open a pop-up annotation that provides that form’s analysis (for an explanation of all abbreviations, see here.)
  • Emendations and modifications have been indicated with an underline.
  • Gaps of various kinds are indicated by [...].
  • Passages that are not in Gascon are indicated in blue.
  • Passages whose readings are uncertain are italicized. Strike-throughs in the ms. are presented as such here, and scribal additions (in the margins, for example) are given as italicized text in brackets.
  • Numbers in the left margin indicate page and line numbers in the original publication.

HommAlbretT.1 (copy), 558 words
Rimbez (west) 1250, vid. 1274

MS. Paris, B.N., Collection Doat, v. 171, 17th c.

303, 26 Conegudeconeisser; PST.PTCP-F.SG cause sieesser; PRS.SBJV-3SG a tots a qui aquestas lettres veyranveder; FUT-3PL ne auziranaudir; FUT-3PL, que
303, 27 nos Amaneu de Lebred avemaver-; PRS.IND-1PL reconegudreconeisser; PST.PTCP-M.SG que nos tiemtenir; PRS.IND-1PL lo casted de
303, 28 Bazads, et tota la honor d’en Gaston de Bearn, per nomy del vescomtat de
304, 1 Gavarred, et en la mesiche honor del casted de Bazads avemaver-; PRS.IND-1PL reconegudreconeisser; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
304, 2 qui esesser; PRS.IND-3SG lo castet de Casenave, et de questes davantditesdizer; PST.PTCP-F.PL causes sonesser; PRS.IND-3PL sos
304, 3 caver et sos hom, ab une lance d’esporle quy l’en devemdever; PRS.IND-1PL pagarpagar; INF-0 a senhor
304, 4 mudant. Els sobre ditzsdizer; PST.PTCP-M.PL castets livrarliurar; INF-0 a la persona en Gasto, una betz en
304, 5 tot sa vita, et ed deudever; PRS.IND-3SG nos aqui medix rendrerender; INF-0, ses tot damnadge, quels
304, 6 castets nels apartenementz no ayenaver-; PRS.SBJV-3PL presprener; PST.PTCP-M.SG, ne recebutreceber; PST.PTCP-M.SG; et l’avant ditdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG en Gasto
304, 7 deudever; PRS.IND-3SG nos empararemparar; INF-0 et defendredefener; INF-0 et garentirgarentir; INF-0 de totz homes et de totes
304, 8 senhories qui ren demandassendemanar; PST.SBJV-3PL als avant ditsdizer; PST.PTCP-M.PL castets, ni en las persensies, qui
304, 9 dels davant ditzdizer; PST.PTCP-M.PL castels mouenmaver; PRS.IND-3PL, ni sonesser; PRS.IND-3PL per fons d’aloo, ni per augun
304, 10 dretadge, ni per nulla senhoria, et en tota cort on nos l’an agossemaver; PST.SBJV-1PL obs, deudever; PRS.IND-3SG
304, 11 n’en portarportar; INF-0 bona et ferma garentia de tots homs a sa mession, et n’en deudever; PRS.IND-3SG
304, 12 farfer-; INF-0 pendreprener; INF-0 dret a tots demanedors davant sa persona. Et si nuls hom en
304, 13 aquestas causes sobredittesdizer; PST.PTCP-F.PL a nos Ameneu de Lebred re demandavademanar; IMPF-3SG  lo sobre
304, 14 ditsdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG en Gasto nos esesser-; PRS.IND-3SG tengutstenir; PST.PTCP-M.SG d’ajudarajudar; INF-0 a nos et de valervaler; INF-0, et als nostres, per
304, 15 engalhere forme, et de pleit et de guerra, a sa mession, can de nos
304, 16 semoidssomonir; PRS.IND-2PL. Et aaver-; PRS.IND-3SG recognegudreconeisser; PST.PTCP-M.SG lo sobre ditsdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG en Gastos de sa propie agradable
304, 17 voluntad, que eg no deudever; PRS.IND-3SG damandardemanar; INF-0 a nos ne als nostres lo castel de
304, 18 Bazads, n’el de Casenava, per nomy de nulha seihoria ni de nuld dretadge,
304, 19 eg ne sui hered, si donch no a fazefer; IMPF-3SG que hom lo fesfer; PST.SBJV-3SG tan tort conegudconeisser; PST.PTCP-M.SG de
304, 20 que hom vel no los dret farfer; INF-0, ne dret pendreprener; INF-0, empero si home lo fazefer; IMPF-3SG aquest
304, 21 tort sobreditdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG, nos semesser; PRS.IND-1PL tengutztenir; PST.PTCP-M.PL de redrerender; INF-0 los casteds per ayudarajudar; INF-0 d’aquere
304, 22 guerra, et eg a nos fenidafinir; PST.PTCP-F.SG la guerra, com qu’esesser; PRS.IND-3SG, fosesser; PST.SBJV-3SG patz o treube, deudever; PRS.IND-3SG nos
304, 23 redrerender; INF-0 a qui meihs au nostre semoniment, auta bos et auta freus cum erenesser; IMPF-3PL
304, 24 can nos los y livremliurar; PRET-1PL deus tres cints deus baratz en entz. Et aso sobre ditdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG,
304, 25 lo sobre dictdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG en Gastos haaver-; PRS.IND-3SG autreyadautrejar; PST.PTCP-M.SG et juradjurar; PST.PTCP-M.SG sobre Sents, tocantocar; PRS.PTCP-M.SG los sents
304, 26 Evangelis corporaument; et que aisi nos ac tieratenir; FUT-3SG bonement, et leyaument
304, 27 cum de sobre esesser-; PRS.IND-3SG ditdizer; PST.PTCP-M.SG, et qui no i vieravenir; FUT-3SG encontre per nulha raiso ne per nulh
304, 28 dret, qui y pogospoder; PST.SBJV-3SG estreesser-; INF-0 pauzadspausar; PST.PTCP-M.PL ne assignadzassignar; PST.PTCP-M.PL.

304, 29 Et per maior fermetat, et que ayaaver; PRS.SBJV-3SG valor de si en outre, en Gastos anaver-; PRS.IND-3PL
304, 30 dadadar; PST.PTCP-F.SG nos Amaneu de Lebred carta pendent partidapartir; PST.PTCP-F.SG per a. b. c. sageradesagerar; PST.PTCP-F.SG
304, 31 am lo so saged et am lo nostre. Testimonis sonesser; PRS.IND-3PL de aqueste cause en
304, 32 W. Ferriol, en Ar. Segurdista, et en W. Ar. de Coutelon, en Fortaner de
304, 33 Casanava et molt d’autres.

304, 34 Asso foesser-; PRET-3SG feitfer; PST.PTCP-M.SG a Rimbes en la vigilia de la Assumptio de Nostre Done,
304, 35 anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo quinquagesimo. Ego dictus notarius
305, 1 ad requisitionem domini Gastonis factam mihi coram venerabili abbate
305, 2 Lucen., et coram Arnaldo Guillelmi de Stritonio ejus notario, prœmissas
305, 3 litteras in formam publicam redegi conficiens super hoc, præsens hoc
305, 4 publicum instrumentum, cui in veritatis testimonium apposui meum signum.

305, 5 Actum Orthesii, die martis infra octavas beati Joannis Baptistæ, anno
305, 6 Domini millesimo ducentesimo septuagesimo quarto.